Saturday, January 31, 2009

Some basic facts

1) There are 7 main notes which are denoted as C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.
2) In between these notes are a few sharp notes which are denoted by # (sharp symbol).
3) So the complete series becomes C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F# G, G#, A, A#, B, C
4) You might be wondering why there is no E# and B# present. This is because these notes do not exist.
5) The difference between two notes is represented by a semitone for example the difference between C and C# is a semitone, similarly the difference between C# and D is represented by a semitone.
6) The difference between two alternate notes is represented by a tone.For example the difference between C and D is called a tone, similarly the difference between C# and D# is also a tone.
This is the guitar fret-board showing all the notes including sharps.

1) We already know that the set of notes are C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F# G, G#, A, A#, B, C.
2) The note C#(c sharp) can also be represented by Bb (B flat).Similarly D# can be written as Eb (E flat) and G# can be written as Ab (A flat). The chart below explains it.

This is the guitar fretboard showing all the notes including flats.

Note that the first note on the 1st string is E. From the series of notes we know that the pattern coming after E would be F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C and so on which is also clear from the notes on the string of 1st string.

Similarly first note on the 2nd string is B, hence C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F# G, G#, A, A# and so on which is also clear from the notes on the string of 2nd string.

The first note on the 3rd string is G, hence G#, A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F# and so on which is also clear from the notes on the string of 3rd string.

Likewise, the first note on the 4th string is D, hence D#, E, F, F# G, G#, A, A#, B, C, C# and so on which is also clear from the notes on the string of 4th string.

And the first note on the 5th string is A, hence A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F# and so on which is also clear from the notes on the string of 5th string.

Similarly first note on the 6th string is E, hence F, F# G, G#, A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E and so on which is also clear from the notes on the string of 6th string.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Strings Unfold with the sound of music

The journey of this blog began a few days back as I lay reclining in my room, on a lousy Sunday afternoon, in search of Indian guitar tabs on Google. Sites after sites and forums after forums came my way – none to my satisfaction. I knew that as far as the Western tabs are concerned, one can find pretty decent sites on the net. But when it comes to Indian guitar tabs, a lot is left to be desired. As I browsed through different forums, I sensed that most of them offered incorrect chords and notations.

Coming to Indian guitars, I personally feel that a lot needs to be done in this field today, though things are changing and changing for the right reasons. The face of Indian guitars has changed slowly but surely in the past 20 years or so. The rise of bands like Euphoria and Silk Route have awakened a new horizon in the hearts of music aficionados. With the flow of information being porous, the masses are now exposed to different styles of music. The Internet revolution has made World Music available a few clicks away. Pakistani bands such as Jal, Strings, EP and CALL are rocking the charts and have built up a concrete fan base across the border. Similarly Indian performers too are finding a sound fan following abroad.

The sounds from popular Hindi cinema, which is otherwise known as Bollywood, has always reflected the changing tastes of the masses and has often, shaped them in a big way. The likes of Naushad, R.D.Burman and A.R.Rehman have produced tunes which have permeated into the consciousness into the music lovers over the years and have paved new paths in the field of music. Today, movies like Life in a Metro and Rock On have brought out some fine pieces of rock music before the masses.
This blog too is an endeavour to cater to those changing tastes. It is beyond doubt a platform for me as a guitarist to express my ideas on music and open a channel to provide guitar chords to all those who hold a similar interest in this field. In this blog, I’ll try to make things easy for all those guitarists who are seeking the chords and notations for popular songs from movies and albums in India.

Before I close this, it goes without saying that the comments section is for you. Do revert back and make this blog as interactive as possible. In the pathway ahead is a red carpet music, which I’ll traverse with all music lovers who are welcome to the world of